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Parking Made Easy > Vlog: How You Can Avoid Paying Parking Tickets Video

Vlog: How You Can Avoid Paying Parking Tickets Video

Feel free to watch the video above or at about Appeal Car Parking Fines, listen to the podcast here or read the transcript below. Are you tired of paying parking tickets that could have been avoided? Taking the right steps can help you avoid having to pay these pricey fines. Watch on to learn more about how you can prevent yourself from being penalized for unpaid parking tickets!

Dodging the Parking Fine

David Campbell: They're expensive and annoying and just about everyone has had one. Parking fines and are costing us more than $150 million per year.

Sonia Kruger: But the good news is there are plenty of ways to avoid paying them. To show us how we're going to be joined now by Daniel Battaglia. Daniel, thanks for coming in.

Daniel Battaglia: Morning.

Sonia Kruger: Nobody likes to pay a parking fine, but you say we often have grounds to appeal them.

Daniel Battaglia: That's right. If you feel you've been unfairly hit with a parking fine should definitely appeal it. But you don't want to waste your time and just send any letter you want to structure the letter properly and include evidence.

Sonia Kruger: Okay.

David Campbell: So, what are some of the parking defenses that actually work?

Daniel Battaglia: If the parking penalty notice is incorrect, it has the wrong registration, time, date or location, you want to check those details.

Sonia Kruger: Does that happen much though?

Daniel Battaglia: That happens yes. Yeah, the parking officers--

David Campbell: Get it wrong.

Daniel Battaglia: Do get it wrong. Sometimes. You also want to check to make sure that signs nearby can be seen. They're hidden by trees or they're not visible. You can appeal on that basis.

David Campbell: Okay.

Sonia Kruger: Put a bush over it. Take a photo. What's the best course of action then if I want to appeal? Do I have to write a letter?

Daniel Battaglia: Yeah, you do need to write a letter The website offers a few lettered templates which will help you out and appeal in under five minutes. You can also appeal on the basis of things like medical emergency, vehicle breakdown, and a few other reasons which are listed on the website.

David Campbell: Oh, I wonder how you go about proving that though. Because I did get a parking fine the other day.

Sonia Kruger: Do tell.

David Campbell: Unfortunately, my car hadn't broken down. But I mean, how do people prove that?

Daniel Battaglia: You need to support your argument with any evidence you have.

David Campbell: Okay.

Daniel Battaglia: So, it might include a medical certificate from the doctor. Mechanical receipt from the repairer.

David Campbell: Okay.

Daniel Battaglia: Things like photos of faulty parking meter, right.

David Campbell: Flat tire things.

Daniel Battaglia: Exactly.

Sonia Kruger: Any of these your excuse?

David Campbell: No, that could be in the future.

Sonia Kruger: There's also the option you can fight it in court, can’t you?

David Campbell: Yeah, you could.

Sonia Kruger: That sounds like a drastic extent. So why when would I want to take that step?

Daniel Battaglia: Yeah, fighting it in court is a drastic step. And you've also got to take into account you might need to take the day off from work.

David Campbell: You might lose.

Daniel Battaglia: And you might lose and pay the court costs. But if you've done nothing wrong, and there is an error, there's no reason why you shouldn't go to court and stand up for your rights.

David Campbell: Daniel, what are the excuses that generally don't fly?

Daniel Battaglia: The excuses that generally don't fly? I don't live in the area. I was running late. It was raining. I got confused. Things like that.

Sonia Kruger: “I got confused”?

David Campbell: My appointment ran over time.

Sonia Kruger: Yeah.

David Campbell: That happens though.

Sonia Kruger: Yeah, it was raining.

David Campbell: It feels fairly legit to me. I mean, I have recently parked in a shopping center where there were no parking signs like it well, you could just park there for as long as you like. And now all of a sudden, a sign has appeared, which I didn't see your honor. Then I ended up with a parking fine.

Sonia Kruger: Is this going to work for her?

David Campbell: Any chance I can get out of that one?

Daniel Battaglia: You can always apply asking for leniency on a first-time offender basis and see how you go with a flat-out apology.

David Campbell: Okay. What happened to you?

Sonia Kruger: A long, flat out apology. Thanks, Dan, for coming in. We'll--

David Campbell: Thank you.

Sonia Kruger: We’ll check back in for some more tips.

David Campbell: Why don’t you tell me the story?

Sonia Kruger: I don’t have any story.

David Campbell: Did you do something illegal?

Sonia Kruger: I didn't do something illegal. We'll be back with more.

**Written by Daniel Battaglia:** As the author of Parking Made Easy: Making Life Easier is dedicated to making parking easier and more affordable at with Generative AI. With a background in business focusing on process improvement and parking solutions, Daniel has dedicated his career to helping drivers find parking. He understands the frustrations of parking and is committed to providing practical solutions. If you have any questions about renting a car parking space, feel free to contact Daniel at

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